Intracerebral haemorrage

Home Truma Surgery Intracerebral haemorrage

Intracerebral haemorrage

Intracerebral hemorrhage, is a condition that presents when a blood vessel ruptures inside the cerebral tissue, causing different neurological compromise, and increased intracranial pressure.

It may be associated with blunt trauma, aneurismal rupture, arteriovenous malformation, increased blood pressure, or cerebral tumor.

In cases, depending on the patient’s condition, an emergent surgical clot removal is performed to drain the blood and decrease intracranial pressure.

Clinical presentation may be subtle, with headache, progressive neurological deterioration, altered consciousness, or may be sudden with loss of consciousness and coma.

Diagnosis is completed with the aid of brain imaging, and depending the cause of bleeding, the neurosurgeon will perform the corresponding surgical procedure.

If the clot is small, with minimal or no neurological compromise, follow up may be advised. However, if signs and symptoms, or neurological deterioration is present, surgery is indicated.

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    Contact information

    • Address Hospital CIMA: Office 1215, Torre 1, San José, Costa Rica.
    • Phone +506 2208 1215
    • WhatsApp +506 8372-4344