What is an astrocytoma and how to treat it?

What is an astrocytoma and how to treat it

One of the most difficult things about being a doctor is when I have to give some news that causes concern in patients due to the diagnosis of brain tumors. However, later, when I can give you good news thanks to the result of successful surgeries and treatments, I remember why I chose this wonderful profession.

Today we will talk about one of those diagnoses that are frightening but that, thanks to the advancement of science, have treatment.


Astrocytoma is a type of cancer that can form in the brain or spinal cord. Its name comes from the fact that it is formed in cells called astrocytes, which provide support for neurons. Unfortunately, astrocytoma is the most common type of glioma diagnosed in children.

What are the symptoms?

That really will depend on the location of the tumor

  • Astrocytomas in the brain can cause seizures, headaches, and nausea.
  • Astrocytomas that form in the spinal cord cause weakness and disability in the affected area.

How aggressive is this tumor?

Astrocytomas can be slow-growing tumors, or they can, in some cases, grow rapidly. Precisely, this “aggressiveness” determines the prognosis and the type of treatment that we will carry out.

How is it diagnosed?

Especially through a combination of methods.

  • Neurological investigation and examination. As a doctor, I can test vision, hearing, balance, coordination, strength, and reflexes. The goal is to diagnose the part of the brain where the tumor is specifically located.
  • Diagnostic imaging tests. We can resort to the support of technology through an MRI or a CT scan.
  • Biopsy. An extraction of a tissue sample that is analyzed in the laboratory.

Which is the treatment?

The treatment includes a neuro-oncological surgery to remove the tumor. The goal, obviously, is to remove the entire lesion, but sometimes the astrocytoma is close to or in areas of important brain function, making this too risky. However, by removing the lesion, the signs and symptoms are reduced, restoring quality of life to patients.

In these cases, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are also performed in order to reduce the growth potential of the remaining astrocytomas. Feel free to write to me if you have questions about this topic or if you think you have similar symptoms.