Low back pain and sciatic nerve: How to treat it?

Dolor lumbar y nervio ciático - Cómo tratarlo - Low back pain and sciatic nerve: How to treat it

A herniated disc, a bone spur in the spine, or a narrowing of the spine cause swelling, pain, and sometimes numbness in a leg.

The discomfort branches from the lower back (lumbar region) to the back of the thighs and calf, passing through the hips and buttocks, along the sciatic nerve.

Sciatica, as we know it from its relationship to the sciatic nerve, is very common. It is estimated that 85% of people suffer from it at least once, in their life, and it is attributed to risk factors such as:

  • Certain jobs involving excessive mechanical movements that require sudden turns of the back and the transfer of heavy loads.
  • Age, due to changes that occur in the spine, such as herniated discs and bone spurs.
  • The overload on the spine caused by obesity and the consequent excess body weight.
  • Sedentary lifestyle, particularly in people who remain seated for long periods of time.
  • Diabetes, due to increased risk or injury to nerves, due to the way the body uses blood sugar.

The pain caused by sciatica can range from a mild sensation to excruciating pain and burning, exacerbated when a person coughs, sneezes, or sits for long periods of time.

In most cases, sciatica clears up on its own or with the help of surgical treatments, within days to a few weeks. But when the symptoms are severe and there is weakness in the leg or changes in the bowel or bladder, surgical intervention may be required.

Hernia de disco - herniated disc


Among the various types of surgical procedure used to treat the most delicate cases of sciatica, are the discectomy or microdiscectomy and laminectomy or laminotomy. It will depend on the patient and the surgeon, if one of them is used.

Discectomy and microdiscetomy consist of removing all or part of the herniated disc that is pressing on the sciatic nerve. The result is similar, but the procedure is different, insofar as the microdiscectomy is a minimally invasive operation that is performed using very small instruments, through very small incisions.

Laminectomy or laminotomy, meanwhile, are procedures to treat a bone plate that protects the spinal canal and bone marrow. Laminectomy consists of removing the entire lamina and laminotomy is to remove part of the lamina. They are done in order to create space, so that the nerves are not compressed or pinched.

We have the academic knowledge, experience, and the most advanced technological instruments to diagnose and provide treatments for sciatic nerve pain in Costa Rica.

Consult with us, through our various means of contact or visit me in my offices, located 100 meters south of Purdy Motor, Paseo Colón, San José and 275 meters east of the Municipal Theater of Alajuela, Costa Rica.