How to act when in presence of a patient with seizures

Como actuar frente a un paciente con una crisis convulsiva - How to act when in presence of a patient with seizures

Seizures, as defined by the World Health Organization “as brief episodes of involuntary movement that may involve a part of the body (partial) or the entire body (generalized) and are sometimes accompanied by loss of consciousness and control of bowel or bladder function.”

There are types of seizures which can go unnoticed by the people around the patient, such as absence seizures, on the contrary, there are seizures that can be extremely noticeable, generalized tonic-clonic seizures. In these cases, patients can suddenly lose consciousness and fall to the ground. Those who have this type of seizure usually adopt postures and begin to shake violently on the floor.

When we are in the presence of one of these cases it is important in the first instance, if we are not aware of the existence of previous seizures or we do not know the person, call the corresponding medical and paramedical services as soon as possible to provide the necessary attention, while these arrive we must watch that the person after falling does not have nearby objects with which he can hurt himself, it is extremely important that for no reason at all, any objects be introduced into the mouth in order to avoid biting his tongue, or try to open his mouth with our hands; the best we can do is document the time elapsed and place him on his side while the emergency services arrive.