Chronic subdural hematoma

Hematomas subdurales crónicos - Unidad de neurocirugía - Chronic subdural hematoma

The examination of a patient, following a head blow is very important to determine the presence of a subdural hematoma, even minor trauma in patients older than 50 years old may present as a chronic subdural hematoma.

After an examination after a head injury, various results can be obtained based on the severity of the brain injury. When a subdural hematoma is conceived, it can be in 3 ways:

  1. The first is of the acute type that is visible after a few days after the trauma.
  2. The second is of the sub-acute type, it appears after 3 days following traumatic event.
  3. Finally, there is the chronic type, this occurs between the first week or even months after having suffered an injury to the skull.

What is a chronic subdural hematoma?

This pathology is conceived as the accumulation of blood and its decomposition products, which has been stored for a long time in the brain area, specifically between the superficial part of the brain and its outermost layer known as the dura mater, therefore , the subdural hematoma of chronic typology occurs later after the first bleeding.

Hematomas subdurales crónicos - Chronic subdural hematoma


The symptoms sometimes do not appear at the moment, but all this will depend on where the traumatic injury developed and in which area the brain is being pressed, however, we recommend that you be aware if you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Confusional state or coma
  • Memory alterations
  • Loss of motor function or speech disorders
  • Headaches and sometimes even seizures

It is important to have a thorough neurological work up and prompt treatment after a condition like this to prevent neurological complications that can leave permanent sequelae.

Do you think you need to consult for any symptoms you present? You can request your appointment on our website or directly through our phones.